Denis SUPRANA is a thrower located in Indonesia, we feel geographically far from him, but it is a pleasure to test and throw his boomerangs.
Several throwers around the world tried his turbo, so we wanted to test it by ourselves.
Here is more info about boomerang in Indonesia.
The product
As we respect boomerangs makers, we will not produce the details of Denis FC.
We invite you to help Denis by buying him a few boomerangs ..
The material
The Turbo is made of polypropylen 4mm.
We noticed that Polypropylen used by Denis might be a little different than the one found in Europe.
Denis is far from us and we do not have the chance to share the same langage without a translator, here is a short interview of Denis.
ABC: Denis, who are you?
DS : i am an enthousiast boomerang thrower.
ABC: how did you discover boomerang?
DS: I searched for information on Google and then found a community on Facebook semarang.
ABC: Where do you throw?
DS: In the Semarang boomerang community.
ABC: How long have you been throwing?
DS: i have been throwing and shaping for 4 years.
ABC: is it easy to find / buy a boomerang in your country ?
ABC: Do you throw a few times a week?
DS: Every day I practice. Because I increase the portion of my training to chase above me.
ABC: your favorite show?
DS : Tunas Bumi 5 is my first debut.
ABC: your favorite events ?
ABC: Your best memory?
DS : When I was in the bud, I won all the categories.
ABC: Are you ready to come to the World Cup in France?
DS : I am ready to take part in the world championship in France. If there is a sponsor for me.
ABC: What advice would you give to the young thrower?
DS : Under this country in the world. That Indonesia has professional boomerang athletes who can compete in the world.
ABC: What advice will you give to improve Fast catch?
DS : Practice patiently and diligently.
ABC: You also do other boomerangs ...
DS : yes endurance and Aussie rounds. But I train for all events.
Denis Throwing FC
Rekor Nasional bumerang tercepat di Indonesia fast catch 17.55 detik
Rekor nasional bumerang tercepat di Indonesia katagori fast catch 17.55 detik oleh Denis suprana Asal semarang.
Denis doing the National Record of Fast Catch of Indonesia
Denis Youtube Channel
How to hold it in your hand ?
We had a debate on this point with several throwers, most of high level throwers are using the full hand grip.
How to throw ?
Just watch Denis videos on his youtube channel, it is worth 1000 words.
Throw hard and vertical, at low level, with maximum power and maximum spin.
It might looks easy but it is not.. Do not forget that Denis is an young athlete throwing nearly everyday..
How to tune ?
Nothing special ,
- positive diedral = fly higher
- negative diedral = fly lower
- Positive angle of attack = fly shorter
- Little Negative angle of attack = fly further
How to store ?
Do not store it in the middle of your backpack .. avoid any storage that could untune it.
Safety rules ?
In MTA you have to be careful of people around you, in Fast catch, you have to be careful of everything around you in the 20 meters circle, and also ... YOU ...
We recommend to wear safety glasses and one glove.
The flight
The flight is low, close to the ground, as the return is not quiet, the harder you throw, the faster it cames in your hands, because it is the only way to obtain high level of performance.
Flight mode in low wind
Throw low, vertical .
Flight mode in medium wind
In medium winds, this boomerang might not be the one to use, but, anyway, you can add rubber bands, throw higher and more vertical .
Throwers opinions
Guillem :
The Turbo is an amazing boomerang. Unlike most of the other fast catch I tried before, the flight path is easy to understand and does not gain altitude at the end of the flight.
As you can see on the video, i threw it with several ways, it alwas comes back. You will probably have to adjust the dihedral to adapt the flight to your own throwing style.
I also added some weight at the tips, because it was a little under 20m.
This is a very good boomerang, the shape, the airfoils and the paint are just perfect.
It is easy to reach the 20sec if you work on your transitions.
My best time in practice was 18sec, with the Turbo of course..
Superfuncatch with the Turbo .
Reno : i do not have the chance to train a lot, i can hardly train once a week, but it is not the question... just the context..
On the first time, i tried in in medium changing winds, it was a nightmare.. it came on the left, on the right, over my head, i felt puzzled..
After a few days, i had a chance to test it on little stable wind, i felt the interest of the boomerang ..
It can be considered as tolerant for a "fast" Fast catch, it is as fast as you can throw it , as accurate as you throw..
For my power, i found it fast and accurate, it is a good second round FC. i think it is perfect between 2 to 10 km/h of wind.
On my point of view, this boomerang is like a Ferrari, very fast but you cannot go everywhere with it.
More advices to come ..
How to Improve your Fast catch time ?
To improve your times in FC, you can have a look at this article :
Fast catch times grid
Here is a fast catch grid to estimate the total time you can obtain, based on your best flight time and your best transition time.
Go on the field with friends, take the flight of your fast catch, then take the transition times. You just have to check on the grid the ideal time you can dream of.
The flight time is composed of :
- your power
- the flight path
- the risk you accept : do you want a fast return or a confortable one ?
- your ability to catch and rethrow in a fast time
From Manuel SCHÜTZ
For shapers : A similar boomerang is avaliable here.